Monday, June 30, 2008

None Jakarta Selatan

My oh my. It's been a while since my last post. So here's the recap:

On 14th of June, the finals of Abang None Jakarta Selatan was held at Balai Kartini. Alhamdulillah, I won as None Jakarta Selatan. It really was beyond my expectations because the others were really good. Seriously. I'm not only sweet talking here.

So now I'm In quarantine at Grand Tropics Hotel with The other winners from other sections of Jakarta. There are 36 of of us and it's really fun. I thought the others would be very competitive and try to sabotage the others. But it didn't happen at all. We helped and supported each other.

the judging day was last Saturday and Sunday. It went well. I spoke French with one of the judges eventhough my French isn't that good. But she said I speak french really good. Hehe..

There will be a press conference today in the afternoon. In the evening, there will be makrab at score again.

Please come to the final's of Abang None DKI Jakarta 2008 on 4th of July at JCC starting from 19.00.
Or watch it live at global tv starting from 19.30.
don't forget to text:

abnon deasy
and send it to 9288.

thanks for your support!!
Wish me luck..